Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Much Awaited Weigh In

Ok, so it happened yesterday, the big weigh in. Drumroll please.....................10 pounds! Not as much as I was hoping for, but I will definetly take it! Its a step in the right direction, and something for me to try to beat for the next weigh in, which I have no idea when that will be! And even if I wasn't doing cart-wheels over it, my trainer was! He was suprised, he said "I knew you would loose, but I didn't think you would loose that much!" And then this morning when he was working out with the guys, and I has sweating on the Eliptical, he was telling them what a great job I'm doing and how people are really watching me now. To which I replyed "Well then I better keep it up so they will at least have something a little better to look at!" Cheesy, but I did get a laugh.
I always totally believed in two things. 1. Ask and you shall receive. 2. God helps those who help them selves. So I have wanted to get in shape for awhile now, at lease since after my daughter was born. I kept 'asking' but nothing was happening. Then I got this great job that offers this work out center with trainers. So I like to think that God guided me here, and I'm the one that has to drag my butt outta bed at 6 in the morning and go sweat for an hour. But He will continue to give me the strength to achive my goals. Thank you, I am greatful!

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