Monday, September 29, 2008

Last Chance Work Out!!

Who watches the Biggest Looser? You don't? Start watching it, it's great!

Anyway, on every episode they are working out and eating healthy. And they do a challenge and get a reward (just like on every other reality show) and then at the end they all get weighed and whoever lost the least gets the boot, there is a whole yellow line and a vote, blah blah blah, but that is basically how it works. So the point is, the day before the weigh in, they have their Last Chance Workout! Well, remember that I am getting weighed by my trainer for the first time tomorrow, so this morning I considered my last chance work out!

I usually do 30-35 minutes at a moderate pace, trying to keep my heart rate around 150. Well over the weekend one of the birthday presents I got myself was a new cell phone. (I have had a cell phone for about 13 years, and during that time I have only have a total of 3 phones. So needless to say I keep my phones until they are dinosaurs.) My new phone has a camera and can play music and all the fancy stuff. So I had my phone playing some music to 'pump me up!' And I did a total of 45 minutes and kept my heart rate at 170!! I was pretty proud of myself. And I wasn't huffing and crying, I was kinda singing along to the music. So I know that I am in better shape than when I started, even if it isn't showing outwardly too much yet.

(Even though Kendra said that I looked pretty good at Church yesterday. I thought you looked skinnier too, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to think I was saying it just because you said it to me first. Then afterward I thought that I should have mentioned it because it makes me feel good, so I'm sure it would make you feel good too. So, Kendra had been cutting back on sweets and it's showing!!)

So, lets all keep our fingers crossed and see what the scale says tomorrow! And no, I have not stepped on a scale since last Wednesday. So I'll be just as surprised as all of you. I don't want to think of what I want it to be, because if it's not, then I'll get discouraged. But secretly, I want it to be a 10-15 pound loss. But i will be happy with anything. Except a gain, oh wouldn't that be horrible! I've been busting my butt, and eating like a rabbit for almost a month,and I may have gained weight? Let's not even think that!!!