Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Help! Halloween Candy is after me!

Now there has been Halloween candy in our house for a week or more. But it is in bags that are still un-opened. So It is easy to not eat it, if I open the bag then EVERYONE will know that I was eating the candy. Ok, everyone would really only be my hubby, and I told him that he better not open any of the bags of Halloween candy because that would be the same as stealing the candy from little trick-or-treaters, and if he did it then he might as well go out on Halloween night and knock over a 6-year old and take his pillow case!

But today was my daughter's Halloween party at pre-school. She came home with a TON of candy. I took the day off work today to take her to school and stand with the other mom's and pass out candy as the little costume wearing cuties paraded past. Then the parents took the candy home while the kids continued their day at school. And I did NOT even peek into her bag or steal a single thing. Then after I picked her up we went through her bag together to see all the nice treats she got, there were about 4 pencils, a few erasers, stickers, lots of spider and skeleton rings, and CANDY, ohh glorious chocolate! And I did eat one little Snickers. My daughter had one little bag of candy corn, one stick of Twizzlers, one laffy taffy, and a gummy skeleton.

And now she is in bed. I could go sneak ten candy bars and she would never even notice. Also, we went to the Farmer's market today. I had every good intention of getting some fruits and veggies. But we got there about 30 minutes before it closes, and alot of the vendors were already packing up, I went to a few booths, but the only good stuff was at the booth with all the baked goods. So I got 4 sugar cookies decorated like pumpkins. I gave my daughter one after she finished her dinner, and now I'm contemplating eating one too. It smelled sooo good when I took it out of the bag and gave it to her, and I could feel that it was soft. And it was that perfect golden color on the bottom.

I shouldn't! I didn't go to work today....I didn't work out.....but I did get a lot done. I lugged a chunky little one year old to preschool and back twice, once to drop sis off, and then back to pick her up; I did the dishes; I did the laundry; I called and made dentist appointments; I went to lunch with my mom and sisters; I went to the Farmers market and walked around; I gave the baby a bath (and he poo'd in the gross, so it was actually a double bath and then I had to scrub the tub too!) I took a shower, I cooked dinner. I know none of these things are really to be commended, and I'm sure every other mom did all these same things today too. I'm just trying to make excuses as to why I deserve a cookie! I want a cookie....and a little candy bar!

I'm just going to do it. If I don't give myself this little treat now, I will just continue to think about it, and want it, and dream about it until I break down and binge later. So chastises me if you want, I'll wear a scarlet "C" on my chest, but I'm off to get a cookie. But just one, I am still working on portion control!


Kendra Linn said...

Get a podometer, it has really made all of the difference to me. I have good healthy food days and not so good ones. But I find that things really help when I have a goal of 10,000 steps no matter what. It is a very tangible awareness of what you need to end the day with, as well as your hard workouts, and your incredible self control. KEEP it up! I am very impressed with you. You are changing your body and it will have a ripple affect on your whole life, your children's approach to food, your husband's health, your self esteem, your energy... you get the drift... GREAT JOB!

four little blessings said...

MMMMM, cookies.... and as for the candy bars.... yep, we will having to be getting rid of those QUICK around our house or Jason and I will eat them all!!