Thursday, October 2, 2008

I have a Nickname

So yesterday I started working out, like normal, and my trainer was talking with the guys. Then he said loudly, "There she is, I'm going to call her Niki 'The Real Deal' (insert last name here)!" I gigeled and continued on with my cardio. Them today, as soon as I hit the top of the stairs (in case i've never mentioned it before, the workout center is upstairs in a kind of loft in the corner of the building. Two walls are outside walls and have windows and mirrors, one wall is shared with our 'work room' and is covered with mirrors on the workout center side, and the last wall is open to the shop below, so you can look out while you are up there) anyway, I hit the top of the stairs and he said "Hey Real Deal, whats up!" So I guess it's my nickname.
As far as names go, it's not great, but it's not to bad. It will help to keep me motivated if nothing else, now I have to live up to being the real deal. So i'll take it for now.
Also today he asked what I was having for breakfast. I said a toasted whole wheat english muffin and 1 tabelspoon of lite peanut butter, what I though was a good answer, it is on my 'sheet of what to eat'. And he told me that by lunch I am going to protien deficient, and I should start thinking about having protien shakes. And I told him, if I can have chocolate flavored protien shake that would be great, because in the last month I have become extremely chocolate defiecient. So we will see how that goes.
We did have catered lunch at work today and there were buffalo meatballs with penne pasta and tomato sauce, buffalo meatballs with mushroom gravy over egg noodles, salad, pasta salad, mixed veggies, cheese burgers, chicken kabobs, shrimp kabobs, and cookies. So I ate one cookie while I was in line. Then I had a big salad, a lot of veggies, 5 meatballs with a few pieces of egg noodles and 2 shrimp kabobs with squash. So, lots of protien and veggies, and only a little carbs. Not too bad, not good!, but not nearly as bad as it could have been.! Where are those seatbelts to strap myself onto the diet wagon!!!!

1 comment:

Kendra Linn said...

Way to go "real deal"! Okay, so I have this crazy universe theory (to go with all of my crazy theories!) When you decide to make a significant change in your life, the universe says "really?! are you sure?!" and then throws that thing in your face to make sure that you are really really ready to make these hard changes. I don't know if this helps you, but once you fight the impulse to give up and not change, you get stronger and stronger. So keep fighting and keep friends and God on your side...