Thursday, October 9, 2008

Complements Make the World of Difference!!

Lets start at last night. I had to take my sister home, she stayed at my house the last couple days while my regular babysitter was on vacation. And since she lives near the mall, and I actually was out of the house with no children, I decided to stop in and get a new pair of jeans. I had bought a new pair a few months ago when I started the new job and they are getting big in the waist as I'm dropping weight, so I planned to get the next size smaller, but totally expected to have to squeeze into them and hope that they would fit correctly in another few weeks. So imagine my delight when the smaller size slipped on without an issue!! (Now I was at the Fat store, which shall remain nameless, but I was still pretty thrilled that it was a smaller size.) I even thought of trying on the next smaller size, but that would be pushing it, and I really liked the feeling of buying new clothes that actually fit!

Skip to this morning. I'm working out and my trainer tells me "Under strict confidence, and I'm not going to name names, but someone came to me and said that they can tell you're loosing weight." And of course my response, "Who!?!"And he reminded me ,"Under strict Confidence!! But it was a guy." So I floated around on my little cloud, happy that someone had noticed. Then we were doing some different exercises and I asked, "So....what did they say, something like 'I can tell Niki is working out'?" And he said, "OK...this is the last we are going to talk about this....but they said "I can tell she is really losing weight, especially in the lower half." YES!!! All this work and my butt is getting smaller!! It's like a dream come true. So then I told him about the buying smaller jeans thing.

Then I was doing leg presses. And he always sets the weight on the machines, and I don't even look at what it is set at. I figure it is his job to know what I should do and how I should progress. Plus if I look and it is heavy, I might get discouraged that I won't be able to do it, and if it is light I might get discouraged that I should be able to do more. So I found it better not to look, just to believe that it is just right. (The Goldilocks way!) So anyway, I do 15 leg presses and rest. And he says "Look, you are doing 50lbs! When you started out you were struggling with 40lbs, and now you can do 50!"

Then skip to near the end of the workout. We were walking to go do free weights and he said, "Now you are getting some good workouts in. Before you were..." I jumped in "too weak?" He said no. "Too fat?" No again "Too lazy?" Now he jumped in, "No! I was going to say you were pooping out! Now you are getting in a good workout because before you were pooping out more quickly!"

So lets review. I can fit in smaller size clothes. People are noticing. And I am healthier and have better strength and endurance! These are all very positive milestones! Proof of my progress! The payoff for all my work! I know that I am getting weighed again on Tuesday, and I was a little worried because of the diet disaster that was last week. But now I am thrilled! I am going to go nose to the grindstone these next few days and hopefully we can all celebrate a great weigh in next week.

And for anyone else out there that may be trying to loose weight, you know who you are. Hard work reaps great rewards! You couldn't knock me off my cloud today if you tried!


four little blessings said...

Yippee! Way to go! I can completely relate to being cheerful when the "right" size is too big.... I am now in the process of clearing my closet from the 8 years worth of various sizes..... to my current and permanent size! :) Keep up the good work!

Kendra Linn said...

Great Job, Nic, you have been working hard and I am so glad that it is showing, because that will energize you. Keep it up!