Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Making up for lasagna

I just finished up my second workout for today. I only got 5 min of cardio in this morning before a pretty good weight workout (Bis, tris, bench presses, rows, and squat presses) so I went back and did 30 more min of cardio at lunch. Now I'm chowing my salad with salmon and some baby tomatoes home grown by D, thank you my work mommy :)

I absolutely needed to get some good work in today.....we had lasagna for dinner last night. And not even good lasagna that was homemade and I knew everything that was in it...no bad frozen lasagna from costco! It tasted ok, but I didn't even look at the ingredient list, it was probably chock full of preservatives and other things I can't pronounce! But I did pay attention to the calories, I ate approx 600 calories worth. But I feel like I made up for it.

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