Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My New Year's Resolution.

This year my New Year's Resolution is to........wait for it.......no it is not to loose weight!........that would be way too obvious.......it's to take better care of myself!Now before you yell at me for making such a selfish resolution, give me a chance to explain. Last year my resolutions were to:

1. Loose weight
2. Be on time to work
3. Be more patient
4. Stay on top of the hose work

I remember them all exactly because I wrote them down on the side of my dry erase calender, and they are still there. So here is what happened with each of those resolutions.

1. I actually gained a little weight during the first 9 months of the year, then I started this whole working out thing, and during the last 3 months of the year I lost just over 20 pounds. I actually did pretty good on that one.

2. I was on time a little better for the first few months, then I was layed off from that job and had no work to be on time for for a couple months. Then I got this new job and I'm always on time getting to the building, because I workout before work everyday, so I'm actually very early, but them I have to leave the workout and shower/cleanup and I'm anywhere from on time to 15 minutes late. I've discussed this with my boss, and it's ok because I'm here if they need me, and I stay after some on most days, so that makes up for the 10-15 minutes in the mornings.

3. Ohh this one is bad.....I loose my temper more than I should with my kids and my husband. When the hubby will say, "I'm going to my friend's house later, is that OK?" I usually say it is fine, but get angry inside because I had some plan like, I'm going to fold laundry, then take a shower, then pay the bills. And now he has thrown a monkey wrench into all my plans. And I'll either be snappy with him until he leaves, or after he comes back. And my daughter...most of the time she is sweet, but she can get a little attitude. And she gets distracted easily. And she forgets things I tell her, things like rules. (You know, she's a normal 4-year old)And I always try to be nice at first, then a little more authoritative, then I threaten punishment, then punishment. But if I am in a hurry, or otherwise frazzled (like because I have things that need to be done and the husband isn't home to help) I will go from "Please get dressed" to "Alright, TV is off since you are not listening" or from "Can you help pick up these toys" to "If you can't help, then go straight to the corner" (that's our time-out). And it never got better over the year, as my son learned to crawl, now walk, I just gained a new 'person' to need to be patient with.

4. Ohh the house work......if everyone has clean laundry, dirty dishes are not piled up in the kitchen, and nothing stinks, then I'm doing good!

So obviously last year's resolutions did close to nothing. So this year, instead of trying to spread the resolutions around, (me, family, work, house) I'm just going to try to focus on me, and hope the rest falls into place! This is how I'm hoping it will effect all of last years resolutions:

1. OK, we all know how this is going, i workout pretty good, I have a trainer to stay on top of me about it, it's the diet where i fall off the horse. So i am going to stop worrying about what my family wants to eat so much, and focus on what i think we should eat. It will help us all be healthier and teach the kids good nutrition so they will hopefully never end up where my hubby and I are.

2. If I get up in the morning when I need to, go to bed when I want to, not try to stay up with the hubby, and take the time at night to lay out the stuff I need in the morning, I will get to the gym earlier, finish my workout sooner, and be changed and at my desk on time. This will also help get me home from work a little earlier and have more time to spend with my family.

3. This is the biggest one! I am starting a 'Girls Night Out' club, if you want to call it that. I already have it set up for this month with a few people to go out to dinner on a Saturday. And at each 'meeting' we will decide what we want to do the next month. Just a little little time for girl friends/ sisters/ whoever to get together without the kids and husbands and just have a nice time. And I'm also going to continue my Friday wally ball with friends. And if I get offered tickets for a concert or sporting event from work, then I'm going to take them. If the hubby wants to go and we can get a sitter, great. Otherwise I will go with a friend / sister / whoever. I did this one a few weeks ago and it was so fun. Basically I'm going to take time for myself. I think that I wrap myself up completely in my family. I plan all my time with them. If my family isn't invited or my husband can't go, then I don't go. Them when he does something without me, I'm hurt. This isn't his fault, he's allowed to have a life, and I shouldn't get mad at him because of it, I should be happy that he is enjoying himself with his friends or brother. And I should also allow myself to do the same, then i wont be jealous when he does it. And the same thing with the kids, I can't get angry with them for not being perfect, or not doing things the first time I ask. They are little kids, and I need to enjoy them, and teach them and help them, and I love to do that, I just don't give myself time to do that.

4. And last the house work. I think if instead of sitting and watching TV and thinking, "I should vacuum this rug" And then being angry at myself for not getting it done. If I took two minutes to vacuum the rug, then it would be done and i wouldn't stew about it!

So I'm taking better care of me, and in the process I'll be taking better care of everyone else around me!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! What's your Resolution?

1 comment:

Kendra Linn said...

I love how thoughtful you are about your resoluations! I love to have scrapbooking times, if we want to start that club. I miss seeing you and your babies...
Happy new year!