Monday, January 12, 2009

Keeping the Resolution!

So yesterday I went to the mall with my daughter. I always think that I would like to go to the mall, and then I think of all the work involved to load up both kids and the stroller, or the guilt I feel if I leave them with my hubby and go by myself, etc. So, in keeping with my resolution to take better care of me, I wanted to go to the mall, and I did.

I took my daughter, she's 4 and I thought it was time she learned the fun of a shopping outing. So we parked and went in, and immediately stopped to get a snack, malling is hard work and we needed to fuel up first. We shared a small pretzel bites with cheese sauce and a lemonade. (Technically it was my lunch, so I will not feel guilty for eating it, and no....I did NOT lick the cheese sauce container!) The mall we went to has 3 levels and there are various ramps and stairs and bridges and elevators to get around. So since we didn't have any particular place to go, I let her navigate our way. We stopped into a children's store and I let her pick out her own sweater, she actually pick a very cute one that was even on sale. And then we went to Godiva and I got an assorted box of 10 chocolates for me (the idea is that if I eat well all day, then I will allow myself one candy in the evening) and she picked out this pile of berries drizzled with chocolate. It looked kinda gross to me, but I was letting her do whatever she wanted, so we got it. Then we went to Claire's and I told her she could pick out a new hair clip, or headband, or whatever. And she picked this set of bobby pins that have different colors of fake, brightly colored, hair attached to them. So you can clip back a section of hair and have a pink, or blue, or orange, stripe of hair. You never saw $5 make a kid so happy.

And then when we were leaving I saw one of those photo booths that does the instant strip of pictures. So we did it just for fun. And when the pictures came out I was amazed at how much skinnier my face looks. The last few years I havn't liked having my picture taken because I always look like I have big gowls and a few chins, but I guess that is starting to go away. I almost thought maybe the camera had done it, but then at work this morning I was out back and I stopped to talk to a guy that I used to eat lunch with when I first started here, but I don't see him much anymore, and he said "Wow, you've really lost weight, your face looks so much skinnier." So now I guess I just need to keep working at it, so that the fat on my tummy melts away just like the fat off my face!

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