Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Flush....Day Two.

Still not so bad. All I had heard from everyone else that has done this fruit flush is that you are so hungry and super tired. I mean, I guess I could say that I'm more tired than usual, but not to the point where I would be complaining about it. Hungry? That I am, about 30 minutes after I finish a serving of fruit i start to feel hungry, then I have some water, then I get busy with some work, and then it's time for the next serving, so still not so bad. But my tummy has been grumbling a few times.

The hardest part so far was last night. I was getting my kids dinner ready, they just had some leftover noodles and sauce with veggies and cut up plum. So I scooped the noddles onto dishes for them, and unconsciously I almost licked the fork! But I didn't. Then when I was dicing up the plum I really wanted to eat a bite, again I didn't. And lastly when I was prepping all my fruit for today I just wanted to pop a bite in my mouth. I can understand being on a diet and restraining from having some pizza, but its hard to wrap your mind around, "No, don't eat that berry!" I mean, it's healthy, I should be able to just eat it with no worries, but just not these next couple days. If this does nothing else it helps you with food discipline and will power. And I'm looking at my regular diet menu and deciding what to eat on Thursday when the flush is done. A slice of toast and an egg sounds like a feast for breakfast.

I'm eating cantaloupe right now for lunch, then I have a couple plums and a pear for the rest of the day, and then the salad at 6pm. I'll check back in tomorrow!

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