Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I saw my Trainer eat a cookie today!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, he is human! And not unlike the rest of us, he can not deny the temptation of homemade Christmas cookies. One of the guys that works out on MWF was working out with me this morning, things are mixed up because of the holidays and time off, etc. So after our workout, which included a scolding for me because I mentioned cravings for Taco Bell, this guy brought in a few Tupperware containers of different kinds of cookies he made. There were the standards, decorated sugar cookies, peanut butter, & snicker doodles. But he had also made something with berries and nuts in it, and ricotta cookies which were covered in coconut. So it was pretty easy to steer away from the standard cookies, but I was so tempted by these new creations that I had never seen before. And not unlike a scientist who just discovered a new spices, I needed to know more, I needed to taste. But I didn't want to munch a few cookies, especially standing in front of my trainer and a couple other guys. And I totally expected a scolding like "You're just taking this hour of hard work you just finished, and flushing it down the toilet!" He really says stuff like that, I'm not even going to tell you what he said about Taco Bell! So, one of the other guys picked up one of the berry & nut cookies, and it looked soft and cakey, so I asked him to share a piece with me, and he took a big bite and handed me the other half. So I said "Gross!" And I broke off a small piece that was not touching his bite mark, and handed his bitten part back. But the small part I took was really good. Next I was eyeing to little coconutty mounds of heaven. And I said "Anyone want to share one?" And my Trainer took me up on the offer!! So he picked it up and broke it and I had half, and he ate half!! He really did! I seriously believed this guy lived off of oatmeal with berries, white meat chicken, water, and protein drinks! And Vitamins! But he ate a 1/2 cookie and then he ate a whole snicker doodle! And then he proceeded to tell me that he expects big numbers out of me in '09 and there is nothing holding me back but me! And he's right, and I'm trying.

Last night I had to stop and do a little Christmas shopping on my way home from work, and a little grocery shopping, and it would have been so easy to stop into fast food on the way home. But I went home and cooked chicken breast, broccoli and rice. I just need to do that more often.

1 comment:

Kendra Linn said...

I loved seeing you before Christmas and I hope that you heard me tell you how good you are looking. I send home baked goods with you, but served you FRUIT!! I am trying to help! Happy new year and I will pray for new blessings and strength!