Thursday, January 22, 2009


So I told you all about the nemesis and how he was stalking arounf my Tuesday work out just waiting for me to weigh in. Then yesterday he was working out with the trainer and I was on the eliptical doing some kick-butt cardio (I've been really hitting the cardio sprints, they are grueling but i'm told that they really help up your metabolism). So between each of his sets he kept wandering over and saying things like, "So when are we weighing in?" "I might weigh less than you if you gained any weight..." Stuff like that. And I just kept trying to shoo him away, because I might ave gained a couple pounds, it's that time of the month and I always bloat up and get zits. So I was able to dodge him yesterday.

So today comes along, and i'm working out with our trainer and he is doing cardio. So the trainer says something like "There is the competition" Motioning to the nemesis, who says, "It's not really a competition, it's more like support." So I chimed in, "Yea, motivation for each other". And then he asked if I wanted to do the fruit flush with him this weekend.

Let me tell you about this fruit flush thing. Number one, I think the name fruit flush is gross. It gives me bad visuals. All I know about it is that it takes 3 days and you basically just eat 2 cups of fruit every 2 hours, and then a decent dinner. My nemesis, now I can't call him that....i'm just going to call him B. So B did the flush a couple weeks ago, and they were all talking about it, nd my trainer said I should do it too. So I guess I need to find out more about it, and I might do it this weekend too.

1 comment:

Kendra Linn said...

Good for you and him, way to support each other in a new life style. Keep tabs on fruit flush, sounds like something I might try...