Friday, September 26, 2008

Busy Weekend ahead!

Well, I worked out this morning, 25 on the eliptical and 10 on the treadmill. I'm not too sore from those 'step ups' yesterday. And I ate pretty healthy since my last post. So....go me! I also have not gotten on the scale, just like I said that I wouldn't.

So now comes the weekend. Tomorrow I have to get my son's 1 year pictures taken, and then we have a 5 year old friend's birthday party to go to (which I still need to go buy a present for, I just got the invite in the mail yesterday, I knew it was coming up, but I didn't know the date). On Sunday morning I want to go to church, and Sunday evening I need to bake mini-muffins, (I'm not eating them all- they are to take to work next week). And then inbetween that stuff I need to grocery shop for the week. Clean-up the house since my hubby starts work on Monday and I need to have everything ready for the babysitter, which includes laying out my daughter's clothes for school in the morning and her leotard for gymnastics class in the afternoon. I should also make a little schedule for the babysitter so she knows what times my daughter needs to leave for her activities, and what the baby's eating and sleeping schedule is now, so much has changed in the last couple months since she last watched the kids. I should do the laundry. I need to take inventory of the cups/plates/decorations that I have for my son's birthday party next weekend, and then shop for the stuff that I still need. Which includes presents for him, and goody bag stuff for the other children. We also need to go out and get a whole new wardrobe for my hubby since he now has a desk job and needs 'business casual' clothes, of which he currently only has about 2 nice shirts and 1 pair of slacks. It was my sis's birthday yesterday, so I need to visit her this weekend and take her a card.

I'm so glad it's my birthday weekend, and I won't even have a minute for myself because it's everyone else's birthday weekend too. (Or the weekend before my sosn's birthday and my hubby starts a new job) But I guess if i don't take any time for me, then I don't have to worry about 'overdoing it'.


four little blessings said...

Glad you aren't as sore as I am.... my instructor at the gym yesterday worked us so hard that I decided about 10 am to try and find a muscle that DOESN't hurt.... besides my eyelids... I can't find any! :)

Kendra Linn said...

It is your birthday weekend! Happy birthday! I will NOT have cake in your honor. I certainly know the run around crazy on Sunday routine, with some many to get organized and ready to go. So I will send you good organization vibes...