Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bake Sales - Love 'em & Hate 'em

Last weekend my church had a big event called Alive in the Park. I took the kids and had a great time. We had a nice service and then there were bands playing music, and food, and tons of activities for the kids.....and a bake sale! Aww the bake sale! There have not really been sweets in my house lately. If they are there, I will eat them. And my hubby and kids dont NEED sweets, so I havn't been buying them. But ya see, at a bake sale they are trying to raise money to help someone. So by buying sweets you are helping a good cause, in this case it was for the family of a little girl who had brain cancer. So I had to buy stuff. And I had it all there next to me at the park for over 2 hours and didn't eat anything. Not the brownies, or cookies, or chocolate cupcakes or 3 differnt flavors of muffins! But then I went home, and the kids went to bed, and I sat down with my hubby and pulled out the stash. It was like we were junkies ready for a fix. And I had a cupcake, and a brownie, and a blueberry cheescake muffin. There I said it. I ate 3 desserts at one setting. I washed it down with skim milk, but at that point I don't think the milk matters. Then I felt like a pig and was totally mad at myself! So yesterday I did some time on the treadmill, and then the stationary bike, and then the eliptical too. And I had salmon with steamed broccli and baby carrots for dinner. I worked out with the trainer today. So i guess the lesson is, I still have no willpower. And this is bad because it is one week until my birthday. And then 2 days after that is my son's birthday. And I want to be at or below my pre-baby weight (243) by his birthday. So i need to work hard and stick with it all this week! I can not get down because of my bakesale set-back. I bought some 'healthy creation' ice cream bars. There are a couple flavors, and i will allow myself to have one, 1, one and only one, if i need a sweet treat. But otherwise no sweets. My hubby may or may not get me a cake on my b-day, i'll have to ask him not too. And my mom usually gets me a blueberry cheesecake (which i am the only one in my house that eats it) so i'll have to ask her not to. And then if I make my goal, or get close and know that I gave it my best efforts. Then at my son's party the following weekend I will eat cake, and pizza! And i will have deserved it. but until then....buck-up, be strong, and sweat it out!!
With God's help we can move mountains. I need to move the ones on my hips!!

1 comment:

Kendra Linn said...

I hear you sister, I have the very same problem. I try to schedule sweets, like the pending birthday party and nothing until then. I don't why this works sometimes (not always), maybe because I plan for the goodies. And trust me, I KNOW when the day is... keep it up. Ups and falls, you are aware and trying, that counts!!