Monday, September 15, 2008

Mommy, you have a big butt!

Yep, that's what my 4 year old daughter said to me. I can't blame her, it's totally true. I'm 5'9" and weigh in around 250. Actually a little over 250, maybe not anymore, but definetly last week. See, that little innocent sentence, spoken not as a put down, but just as a matter of fact, has spurred me to loose weight.
This is not the first time I have decided to loose weight, but i'm planning on it being the last. I was always a little heavy in high school, but I was active, I did Tae Kwan Do, I worked stock in a grocery store. Then I graduated college and got a desk job. And the weight piled on! Then I started dating my now husband, and more weight piled on, why not I didn't need to look good for guys, I had one that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Then we started to plan our wedding and I tried to loose some weight, i lost a little, and then gained it all back on the honeymoon. Then as our 1st anneversary neared I realized I weighed more that I did at the wedding, so i tried to loose some, I lost a little and then got pregnant with our daughter. Free reighn to pack on the pounds, 30 in all, not really that bad. And after the baby was born I lost it all quickly since I was nursing. But once I went back to work and stopped nursing the weight came flying back on and I ended up about 23 pounds heavier than when I got pregnant. Then I got pregnant with our son. I wasn't going to do it this time! I ate healthy during the pregnancy and gained about 25 lbs total. And gave birth to a 9lb 1 oz chunky monkey. And the weight fell off while he chowed down. But once again, as soon as I stopped nursing the weight piled back on.
So the baby will be one in a few weeks, and my daughter said I'm fat. I'm going to loose this weight for good. I recently got a new job, (remind me to tell you about that on another day), and they have a nice fitness center on-site and offer free personal trainers to the employees. So I took them up on it! I started about 11 days ago. I work out with the trainer on Tuesday and Thursday, and I do cardio on my own on the other mornings during the work week. I'm also trying to be on a diet, but I love to eat. I did really good today.
So I better get to bed, I have to see my trainer in the morning. And there is a box of orange sherbert in the freezer calling my name. If I go to sleep now, I can avoid the urge to go have a bowl. I'll let ya know how the workout goes tomorrow.

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