Monday, September 15, 2008

Why I started this Blog

I told you why i'm trying to loose weight, but not why I started the blog. My hubby said it's because I want to be .... I don't remember the word he used, cool, or something like that. The truth is that Two of my friends started blogs, one becuse her hubby was in a terrible accident and it was a good way to keep everyone abreast of his condition and progress. And I think the other was a spin-off from that one, and she talked about her kids and family. So I guess this is a spin-off from the spin-off. So if this was a TV show, I would be like Law & Order: pencile pusher unit; or CSI: Nebraska. Ya know, something that no one is watching. Which is pretty close because I have told no one about this blog. So if you are out there, good job finding me. I just though that maybe it would help keep me honest about my weight loss goals if I put them up in a blog. I can lie to my trainer (Yes, I did all 15 full reps!) and to myself (if I eat just two bites of the kids pudding it won't count againt my diet) but why lie to some pencile pusher in Nebraska! Talk to ya later!


four little blessings said...

Hello spin off! Glad to have you as MY one and only follower! I will keep you and your weight loss plan in my prayers!

Niki said...

Man Tammy, I didn't think anyone would find me! Maybe as I loose weight I'll be able to hide better!

Kendra Linn said...

I can't believe that you did not tell me that you are blogging... I found you because you are following my crazy and insane life blog. I love that you are working so hard to take care of yourself.
Keep it up and we will go out and celebrate with Salads and lemon water one day!