Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Trainer is MEAN!!

I dont't know if you've ever had a personal trainer before, but they are mean. At least mine is. But mean in a good way. Mean as in, I walked on the treadmill at 3.0 mph for 25 minutes yesterday and felt very accomplished. He comes over there today after about 10 minutes and says "What's going on over here! Take your heart rate!" So i put my palms on the sensors and it flashes a few times and then reads 145. I think this is good since last week it was in the low 160's. But the trainer is not pleased, he says something like "145!! and you're just walking!! Walking you should be in the 100's, I'm going to save your life!!" Then he reaches across me and hikes the incline up to 15, the highest setting it goes to! I can walk on the incline for about a minute, then i'm huffing and puffing. He barks out some stuff like "Come on, 30 more seconds, just concentrate and push it out!" And then he reaches across and lowers the incline back to zero, and has me walk flat for a few minutes until my heart rate is back in the 140's, then we do it all again! I thought I was in decent shape (yes I'm fat, but i can shop for hours, or take the kids to the zoo all day and not get too tired out) but this just proves that I am horribly out of shape. I was working with free weights this morning, and I was doing some tricep extension things, and I did 2 sets with an 8 lb dumb-bell and then he had me switch to a 5 lb dumb-bell for the last set. He probably thought I was going to drop the 8 lb one on my head.
I'm eating alot better now too. Today I had a whole wheat english muffing with a tablespoon of light peanut butter for breakfast, and I am eating 2 whole wheat tortilla's with some turkey breast and a cup of manderian oranges for lunch, and for dinner tonight we are having grilled chicken with bell peppers, brocilli, and brown rice.
(And no, I did not eat any sherbert last night, I just had a glass of water and went to sleep!)


four little blessings said...

Once you get the hang of the work out and the healthier food, you will never want to go back.... Hang in there! :)

Niki said...

I'm hanging, slightly over the waitband of my pants!! But we ate a good healthy dinner tonight, and the big bonus with me eating healthier is that the hubby and kids HAVE to eat helthier too! Time for bed, I have to be at the gym before 7 tomorrow morning!