Friday, January 29, 2010

Weekend promises!

So it is the end of the 1st week.....and I did awesome!!!! First off we got the partner thing all straighten out. and I was talking to A2 this morning and we are going to try to get our families together soon, maybe over the weekend. I did 2 workouts everyday...averaging about 500-600 calories total per day. A good start, but I'm going to work on ramping that up over the next couple weeks. I worked on getting protein every morning after my workout, either a shake, or egg, or natural peanut butter on a whole wheat english muffin. And I ate a salad or wrap with fruit everyday for lunch. And NO takeout or fast food all week. I cooked dinner every night, lean chicken or pork and lots of veggies! And the hubby ate dinner with me, or went to his brother's to workout.

So now it's the weekend!!! I'm not going to go crazy, but I am going to be just a little less strict. I thawed some veggie lasagna and we will eat that one night. And maybe....we might have one CHEAT meal, like taco bell or something....I'll see how it goes. But if I do, then I won't feel bad for it, and I wont fall off thew will be a reward and then right back to work.

I do have to admit to one little slip-up last night. I did eat 3 pieces of leftover Christmas candy...3 little Dove chocolate bites...Carmel filled....I really wanted them...and I ate one...then I ate 2 more...then I felt really guilty. And it was tasty...but not really worth the guilt. So next time I think I want something like that, I'll just know that it's not worth it.

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