Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm so proud of myself right now!

If you have noticed I haven't posted my weight lately. I just looked back over the past few weeks, Before Christmas I was 232.....well I came back from New Year's at 240!!! I was very upset with myself. I have been working out every day since then and really putting alot into the workouts too. But I still haven't been eating the best. I've been doing pretty good while I'm at work, but then not so good at dinner, or on the weekends, and I have been snacking at night. I know this. I know it's bad. And then I jump on the scale and wonder why the numbers are not going down! Well they went down just a little, 237 this morning. And my trainer happened to be looking over my shoulder, so he knows that I'm at 237 right now too. I was 237 at the START of the last contest, then I lost 15 pounds, then it started to come back on when I went on the lower dose of my synthroid, and when I was working my ass off, and my ass was still getting bigger, I gave up again!

So today during our workout I happened to mention to D and our trainer that Taco Bell had new commercials about their "Drive Thru Diet!" (Basically they say if you are going to eat fast food anyway, then something from their 'fresco' menu is better than a burger somewhere else.) And the trainers quick answer was something like "Well if you are that weak, then there is no help for you anyway" I'm not too sure about that second part, but i am sure the first part is "If you are that WEAK" That struck a cord.

Then a few minutes ago I was getting ready for lunch. I was mentally gearing up to go in the break room and get my bag of salad and cup of salmon out of the fridge. and I just didn't want it. It didn't sound good, i was not hungry for it, and my mind started to wander. Something like soup and a sandwich sounded better. Maybe I could run out to Quizno's. Where else could I go. And as Taco Bell rolled through my mind, along with the list of other near by places, I heard the trainer's words again....weak....I don't want to be weak. I know I am, but I don't want to be. I had taken the time to go to the store and buy healthy lunch foods and brought them in, and they were just waiting to be eaten.......So I thought it over for a minute, and I went to the break room. I was just going to suffer through my salad, and as I was opening the fridge door I wished I had a sandwich. Something that I could chew...something warm and comforting...not cold salad! Then I looked at my shelf of food. I had it stocked with salad, and blueberries, and hard boiled eggs, and yogurt, and Light, Whole Grain, English Muffins!!! What if I made a sandwich on a muffin!

So that is what I did. I toasted the muffin, and spread the salmon on, and had a smaller salad on the side. And it is good!!! And it is satisfying!!! And I am so proud of myself right now!!

I just need to make these better choices more often. 237 and counting...and I leave for Vegas on Monday!

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