Friday, January 8, 2010

Lots of changes in the last couple days!

So...I last posted on Tuesday at lunch. Then Tuesday afternoon we had our monthly company meeting, and the new weight loss competition was announced. B is pretty much in charge of it all, and he explained all about the partners and blah blah blah. So right after the meeting I went to talk to M about signing up together. Well! There was another meeting in the morning that M had gone to, and during that meeting one of the men on our Board of Directors, the guys that run our whole company, had asked M to be his partner. M said he still wasn't 100% sure if I even wanted to be his partner, I never gave him a firm answer, and how could he say no to P, the Director. And he apologized, but he is right, and I don't blame him at all. This is a good chance for him to rub elbows with one of the upper management, and I don't want to take that away from him.

So I just decided to go back to not doing the contest at all. Not that I'm giving up, I'm just not signing up! I won't win any money, or loose any either. I came up with a plan to still weigh in and out at the contest dates, and then I can keep track of my own weight loss percentages and compare them to how M & P's percentages are. And if I do better that P, which I plan to try really hard to do, then I'll just tell M that he made the wrong decision! Not in a mean spiteful way, just a busting his balls, playful kinda way! And it will be great motivation for me! I think I like this plan!

And...double bonus!!! I went to the endocrinologist on Wednesday afternoon. And what do ya TSH level is really high! I could have told you that with out doing the blood work! I knew I was freezing cold all the time, I knew I had no energy, couldn't get out of bed in the morning, always wanted a nap. I knew my skin was dry and itchy, and my throat felt tight. (She always asks about constipation, but that is never a problem I notice, and it was the only symptom I didn't have!) So, of course, she upped my synthroid dose. I'm back up to 100, and last time I was on 100 the weight was coming off. So in a few weeks when it starts to regulate in my system i should see some big drops. Especially since I'm going to be trying so hard.

I talked to my trainer on Wednesday morning and asked for some hip exercises. So I can strengthen it up some before Vagas. So yesterday morning before we started working out he had a little 'talking to' with me. The first thing he said is that "This is not going to be an emotional conversation" And I told him I couldn't promise that, because we both know how easily I cry! (I cried for two days over the whole M not being my partner thing, I was so happy that he believed in me and wanted to be my partner, then so let down when he had a different partner. but like I said, I don't blame him, I was just really sad about the situation. Lots of hugs from the hubby helped make it better) So the trainer told me about how the hip is a joint, and you cant do alot of exercises for it, but he gave me some stretches to try, and said the best thing I can do is get some weight off! And I said "I know" and he said he is going to beat me if I say "I know" again without actually doing something about it. And he is totally right. I just posted about how loosing weight a year ago helped my hip a ton.

So....not in the partner to depend on.....need to do it for myself, by myself....and don't have the thyroid excuse because I just got a higher dose of meds which should basically turn the metabolism on high gear! I had a great workout yesterday, did good cardio this morning, eating salad with tuna for lunch, and have plans to take the kids sledding tomorrow (carrying kids, up-hill, in deep snow has got to be a great workout!) Now I just need to do it!

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