Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I didn't workout for a week, and alot changed.

Well, I'm getting better. I'm not better yet, but I'm getting there. I kept praying, "Please God, why am I still so sick, please help make me well." And God, in his infinite wisdom, made me worse, so that I would get off my whining butt and actually go to the doctor. So my throat closed up and I could barely breath, and I went to the urgent care clinic, and the doctor said he didn't even need to do a throat culture on me, because I had one of the worst cases of strep. So I am now on antibiotics, and I'm getting better.
And since I hadn't worked out since before Thanksgiving, I decided to give it a whirl this morning! Well I now have a new workout buddy. It's a Lady that I know from our purchasing department. She has been working out upstairs for about 2 years, but with one of the other trainers. Her normal trainer has not been showing up lately, like for the last couple months, and she saw me with my trainer all to myself. So she will now be joining me on my Tuesday / Thursday morning workouts. I don't mind sharing my trainer, I used to before. And now that I'm working out with another girl, instead of a guy like before, we can do things together. And also, in the 2 years that she has been using the facility, she has lost about 90 lbs. So that will be a great inspiration, and also some competition, for me. We had a good workout. My, now our, trainer was mostly focused on her because he has to learn what she can do, and show her how he does things. Like we were stretching between sets, and she was pulling her leg with the opposite arm, so he explained to her why you shouldn't do that and how it's bad for your knees, etc. And later we were doing tricep push downs, and he had to stop and show her the correct form. I guess her old trainer never took the time to explain these things. I'm thankful that when I first signed on I picked a trainer that does take the extra time to go over things and explain why you should do things a certain way. Not just because he said so, but because it will only help you in the long run. So he was spending alot of extra time with her. And he said he didn't want to push me too much since I'm still getting over being so sick. But then he came up and whispered in my ear, "Take it easy now, but I'm coming for you next week!" So it's on now!
And also, I lost weight while I was sick. Mostly I'm sure it was from being dehydrated, and not eating for days. But i also was losing weight before I got sick, and just never got weighed to account for it. So now I have been eating again, normally, for about 3 days. I was down below 230 while I was sick. But I got weighed today, and I'm at 235. I'm very happy with that! That's a total weight loss now of 21 pounds!!
Now I just need to stay strong going into the Christmas season. We already got chocolates from one vendor today at work, and doughnuts from another. So i need to keep the will power strong, stick to the workouts, and give my self the gift of a healthier, happier me!

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