Monday, December 14, 2009

So...I was reading Glamour Magazine....

I have brought in articles from Glamour magazine to my trainer before. He just laughs them off. and I should know better than to take the advice from a magazine over my licenced/ professional trainer (did I ever tell you that his son is a professional body builder??? The man knows what he is talking about).

So lately I haven't been feeling good. So I have been working out less. and I have been exhausted when I get home from work, and don't feel like cooking, so I give in to pizza and take out and whatever!

And then I put weight back on. So I feel discouraged, "I'm never going to lose weight, any I lose I'll just put back on!" Si I give in to all my cravings, cookies, pizza rolls, TACO BELL!!!!

And I feel even worse. So I started blaming it on my medication. Maybe I need a higher dose, yeah, that's why I'm tired and want snacks!

Then I was reading, and I remember reading this many times before, but diet and exercise have a big impact on your mood and energy level! So I started thinking....Sure, I was sick and run-down.....but then I didn't 'jump back onto the horse'! I kinda strolled along the coral fence and peeked over.....So today I'm going for a ride! I came in and worked out....325 calories, not a ton, but way more than I've done in the past month or so, and I'm having good'ole salad w/tuna for lunch....have some yogurt for this afternoon and a dinner thawing in the fridge for tonight.

I'll see how long I can keep this up again, but....if my theory is right....for every day I exercise and eat better, I should get more energy!

(And as far as weight, I weighed myself this morning, 235, almost what I started the weight loss challenge at, but I'm not going to be discouraged by it, it's just a number, and by the end of this week, that number should be just a little bit smaller!)

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