Monday, October 5, 2009

Well that didn't work so well...

So at the end of the last post I said I planned to weigh in Today at 220 or below! Yeah Right! What dream land was I in when I wrote that! Instead of loosing a couple pounds, or even staying the same which would have been totally acceptable, I gained 5 pounds back!!! I'm so mad at myself!

But I knew it would happen. I ate anything I wanted all through my Birthday, and My son's birthday, and his party! And My mom got me a cheesecake as my birthday cake, and I shared it, but I took the rest home and had a total of about 3 slices. Plus the brownies that I made last week, plus a couple pieces of my son's birthday cake.

But I have been doing super good for the last month, and this was a little slip up, over 5 days, but now I am back on track. And there were high points, like the food I ordered for the adults at my son's party, wrap sandwiches, veggie tray and fruit tray! Then I took the leftover veggies home and made stew! And I went to my Women on Target event, which is notorious for having bad food, so I took a salad and strawberries with me. And they had better food this time, you could order a burger or chicken sandwich with fries, but I didn't...I just ate my salad.

So I'm right back at it. burned over 750 calories on cardio so far today, morning and lunch time workouts. And B invited me to work out after work too. So I'm hoping these 5 pounds are just water, and I can loose it plus more this week! And I'm not just hoping, I'm working at it!

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