Tuesday, October 13, 2009

On my way

So I did an extra work out last night, 3rd one of the day. Me and B met with the trainer for some plyometrics.....which is basically getting your heart rate up. We first took turns jumping rope, B is not that good of a rope jumper, he kept tripping or getting the rope caught on his feet, or hitting himself in the head (I don't even know how you do that!)...I, on the other hand, am an awesome rope jumper, one thing that being a girl has helped me succeed in! Then we did this thing where you bend down, jump out to a pike, jump back in, then stand up and jump ...all while holding a weighted ball.....we had to do sets of 10, B would be done with his set while I was at about 7 or 8, and those last 2 or 3 would be going very slowly because I was whipped by that point. Then we stood on a BOSU and balanced while hitting a punching bag fast and hard!

That was a great workout.....then I weighed myself this morning.....223.5!!! almost back to where I was. And I lifted with D this morning, and I did cardio at lunch! I am splurging for dinner tonight. I have been craving so many things that I know I shouldn't have....Taco Bell has a new black taco that I keep hearing ads for....they have a 2 for $20 deal at Chili's and it all looks good....but I'm not caving to any of that......nope! Subway had a buffalo chicken sub....so I'm going to have that tonight. I figure I'll load it up with fresh veggies and it will be pretty healthy, and I will feel satisfied that I'm eating something I drool over on TV!

I need to just stay away from commercials and it will help me stay away from bad food!

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