Monday, February 16, 2009

Speacialist Doctors...Fun!

Well most importantly, the hubby is doing better. And of course being a stubborn man, since he is feeling better he has not made the appointment with the GI specialist, he plans to just act like it never happened. I'm to push for him to still make the appointment, if nothing else to make sure that whatever it was is gone and is not coming back.

I have an appointment to see a specialist of my own. Lucky me! I had my annual OB/GYN check-up and was sent for my annual mammogram (since my mother had breast cancer at a young age, and I had a lump a few years ago, which turned out to be nothing, I get to have mams every year.) Again, lucky me! Better safe than sorry. But, the Gyn decided to send me for some other blood tests also. Lets just say my system has been a little loopy and I thought it was from stress, but she thought that it may be a hormone issue, and guess what, the test came back that my thyroid levels were high. Now all I know about your thyroid is that it can have something to do with your weight and having dry skin, so maybe this has something to do with why I am working my butt off for not all that much benefit. 25 pounds in 5 months is nothing to sneeze at, but I would like to think that for the effort I am putting in I would get a little more reward back. I know that I go off my diet, but I still work out really hard, so I'll go and see what the Endocrinologist has to say.

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