Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weigh in Today...

There was a weigh in today. I was sick all weekend, and even took Monday off work. While I was in bed resting I was just craving comfort foods, so I made no objecting when the hubby ordered pizza for dinner one night, and I got some frozen 'rib' patties at the store and had those with mac& cheese for dinner another night, in between I was skipping meals in exchange for sleep. and I had a couple bowls of ice cream because the cool creaminess helped my throat.

So I come back to work yesterday, to find an email that we are having a weigh in today! I had no idea what I would weigh and was a little scared. But I weighed in this morning at 230....not so great, but at least it is 2 pounds down from the last official weigh in. A2 weighed in at 5 pounds down from the last weigh in, so as a team we will do OK for the rankings, but I'm totally ready to loose the 1st place spot.

But I think will be a good kick in the pants to work hard and get the 1st place spot back! I keep worrying about why I'm stagnant, but the best way to get the scale moving is to get my butt moving...I need to work out longer and harder, just turn it up a bit. Easier said then done, but still worth trying!!

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