Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Skipped my cardio today!

So last night on The Biggest Loser, it was the final week on the ranch, and they had flashbacks about how heavy they all were when they first started. And then they showed how well they are doing now, and they went to the doctor to show how much healthier they are too. One man is even off at ton of medications he used to take, just from losing weight. ....You think this would motivate the heck out of me!!

It did! Especially since I had a huge milestone of my own at my workout yesterday. Did I ever tell you about that 'box' that you get in to do ab exercises? Well it's not really a box at's a tall thing and you stand up on two 'blocks' on either side, and it's hallow in the center. And when you are standing up there, there is a pad that you press your back against, and then two pads that are out front at a right angle that you rest your fore arms on, and then handles at the end of that for you to grab. Can you picture it? I'm probably not explaining it very well. Anyway, you are supposed to situate your self into it like so, and then you pick your feet up off the blocks and hold your weight with your arms and shoulders and then pull your knees up, or kick your feet out, whichever exercise you are doing. My first day of working out my trainer had me do that, and I couldn't. Not at all! As soon as I picked a foot off the block I would fall down. I tried a few times, but my bottom was too heavy and my top didn't have enough strength to support myself. Plus I had no endurance or even confidence in myself. And my trainer said "You will remember when you couldn't even do one of these!"

That was almost 8 months ago. And yesterday I worked out with D, my regular workout buddy. And then she scooted out at her regular time, and I had my last 5-10 minutes alone with our trainer. Only we weren't alone. There were 2 of the guys that work out on MWF up there doing a make-up. So the trainer was setting them up on exercises and I was just sitting there laughing and joking. And he told me to do some abs instead of screwing off. So I was doing these things on the bench that I hate, where you balance and lean back, and then put your legs out in front and pull them in and out. Anyway, it's a good move, it's just hard. So I did a few sets of that, still laughing and joking with the boys in between. And the trainer said something like "OK hot shot...get in the box!" And of course I said "I can't do that!?!" But I got in....I got all situated, and he held his hand up for me to pull my feet up to. I would do a little jump/kick thing, it wasn't good form or anything, but I got his hand each time, and then I would have to put my feet back on the blocks. After about 10 of those I had a little rest. Than when we started up again he held his hand closer and told mt "Knees". So I pulled my knees up to his hand and he counted "One"....I lowered my legs, and to my own amazement I didn't need to put my feet on the blocks, I just pulled my knees up a second time "Two"....and again "Three"....I did 5!!! FIVE without putting my feet on the blocks!! It still wasn't good form, and by the time I was at number 5 I had slipped down the back rest a bit, but I did it! And I rested for a second, feet standing on the blocks of course....And I DID IT AGAIN!! Five again!!....and a rest, and then a set of 3 and a rest and 3 and a rest and 3 again!!! I can do it!! My top is arms and shoulders, and my bottom is down about 25 pounds....and I can do it! That feels so so good!

And then I woke up this morning and my shoulders and upper back are screaming!! The muscles hurt so so bad! So I reset the alarm, slept in a bit, and skipped my cardio. But I think I earned it. And i'll be right back at it tomorrow....Because to watch them change their lives on The Biggest Loser is motivating....but there is noting like actually doing it for yourself!

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