Monday, August 31, 2009

The competition begins!!

First off...I haven't posted for over a month. I just read my last post to see where i left was on a high note, that lasted about a second, then it was all just the same old thing. Sad but true!

So.....Friday.....B, remember B, the friend - nemesis - friend? Anyway B says we need to have a competition. We will put money on the line, weigh in Biggest Loser Style, and track % weight lost, and at the end of the month, winner takes all.

I thought this was a great idea because I have no motivation on my own. In a couple days it is the 1 year anniversary of when I started officially working out. And for the last month I keep saying I was going to buckle down to have something to show on that anniversary. But it never happened, I never buckled down, I never got motivated, I never lost anymore weight. And I have been slacking on workouts too....I show up on Tues & Thurs when I work with the trainer, but M-W-F, when I am supposed to do cardio, I have mostly been sleeping in. the end of this month is my birthday, no big deal. But it is also my baby sister's birthday, and we are planning a big bar night, and then the following week is my son's birthday, so we will have a party with alot of family and friends. So I would like to look better for those events. I want people to say "Wow, you lost some weight!" So...I'm totally in for B's competition.

So...we decided the competition thing of I was preparing all weekend. Some may call it cheating, but I know B was doing the same thing. I ate this weekend like it was going out of style. I watched a movie with my daughter on Friday night, Milk Duds and popcorn galour!! Then Saturday we got Chinese for dinner. Then yesterday.....I had cereal for breakfast....McDonald's on the way home from church....a huge plate of Mexican leftovers for a late lunch (covered with cheese and all scooped up with nacho chips)....then we ordered pizza and pasta for dinner....I even drank pop with dinner....then topped it all off with 3 snack cakes and milk!!! Dang! And I was supposed to cut the grass this weekend, but I didn't want to waste the exercise, so I didn't do it. I also stopped on my way to work this morning and got McDonald's! Double Dang!!

We weighed in this morning. B was 230 on the money. I was 237.5, I'm not too sure who else is going to get in on the competition. B is in charge of that.

I went shopping this weekend and got all the stuff I'm supposed to eat, all the food from the healthy eating plan the trainer had given me a year ago. So i had a plum this morning after the weigh in for a snack. I'm eating a whole grain wrap filled with lettuce, tomatoes, and tuna and a peach on the side for lunch. I have lots of healthy snack options for the afternoon (yogurt/ whole grain English muffins with natural peanut butter/ granola bars/ peaches/ plums/ raspberries) Then tonight I'm going to mow the lawn while I'm grilling some salmon that will be served with pineapple salsa and rice.

So hopefully I can keep this up for a month.....then I will win at least $50 (depending on who else joins in) and feel pretty good about myself.

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