Friday, June 19, 2009

Back at it.

So I got home from my work trip a couple days ago, and I've been doing pretty good. On the trip I wasn't so good, we went out to all our meals and I had whatever I wanted off the menus....Veggie Lasagna with Chicken for dinner (not too bad except it was a large portion size and I ate it all) ....Chicken wraps and a salad for lunch (actually pretty healthy) ....Pub stacker Sandwich for dinner (turkey on white toast with cole slaw and chips, and I only ate a couple chips and left about 95% of them.....and then I split a dessert) And then for breakfast at the airport one of my friends had gotten a hot ham and cheese croissant sandwich....and it looked and smelled soo I went to the little stand to get one, but I got a yogurt, fruit, and walnut parfait instead!! Go Me!

Since I got back I have been doing really good at breakfast and lunch (salmon and salad yesterday/ Lean Cuisine today) but not so hot at dinner, back to usual! but I have worked out the past two mornings, so that is a big step.

While we were on the trip we were talking about diet and nutrition (me and a bunch of guys, you would think weight and dieting would be their topic of choice!) And one guy has lost 35 pounds in the past 3 months, so the others were asking how he did it, and how much was diet and how much was exercise. And he said he thought that diet was at least 65% of it. He has been running a couple miles a day, and eats mostly chicken breast, veggies, and protein bars and shakes.

So I'm going to continue with my daily workout. Try to push a little harder on my cardio. But mainly I guess that I learned that it doesn't matter that I workout 5 days a week if I still eat like poo!

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