Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Burned out!

I don't know if my allergies are bothering me, or I'm slightly depressed, or if the time change is messing with my internal clock.....but I can NOT get up in the morning!!! I didn't workout Monday or today (Wednesday). I did a good workout yesterday in the morning only.... I have been eating OK, especially at work, salad for lunch everyday with leftovers. And eating healthy snacks...I just don't feel like hitting the gym. I know I should, I still haven't taken off all the vacation weight and I don't know when the next weigh in will be, but I'm sure it will be soon. I have been busy at home, doing yard work and outside playing with the kids (maybe that is helping to make me so tired)....I haven't been blogging because I don't have much to report. I'm just going to workout when I feel like it and not beat myself up when I skip.

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